Training For His Junior Hunter Title |
On April 20, 2008 at the Irish Setter Club of Central California hunt test held at the Hastings Island Hunting Preserve in Rio Vista, CA Hamish received qualifing scores to earn his first Junior Hunter leg. |
On February 14 & 15, 2009 at the Gold Country English Setter Fanciers hunt test held at the Hastings Island Hunting Preserve in Rio Vista, CA Hamish received qualifing scores to earn two more Junior Hunter legs. Hamish is always owner-handled in the field. |
On March 22, 2009 at the German Shorthair Pointer Club of Northern Sacramento Valley hunt test held at the Hastings Island Hunting Preserve in Rio Vista, CA Hamish received a qualifying score for his fourth and final Junior Hunter leg. He is now AKC/UKC CH Upland Monarch of the Glen, RN, JH. Once again Hamish was owner-handled in the field. |